EVENT Service


The EVENT service is a NIRVA external service which provides Nirva with a message publishing system allowing building Event Driven Architectures (EDA). It keeps track of messages (events) sent to a channel and the subscribers who are to receive the events. The service allows receiving multiple occurrences of the same messages allowing for escalading mechanisms. It gives the subscribers the possibility to inhibit further occurrences of a given message.
It has a minimal manipulation of the content of the messages in the form of a string for simple cases. For more complex situations, the management of the content can easily be externalized.
The EVENT service allows:
  • Having multiple channels open to publishing and subscribing to messages
  • Processing multiple occurrences of the same messages which allows setting up escalation mechanisms in case of multiple publications of the same messages (in particular in the case of events being alerts to be processed).
  • Management of multiple subscribers per channel and generation of specific actions for each subscriber.
  • Inhibiting occurrences of a message on a per-subscriber basis.
  • Different possibilities of desynchronizing the posting of an event and its processing.

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Version 3.01
Version 3.00

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