Microsoft ASPX

Added by Maxime Merle over 13 years ago

I would be interested to understanding how Microsoft ASPX is used to integrate with the application platform and to render HTML pages.


Replies (1)

RE: Microsoft ASPX - Added by Pierre Marc over 13 years ago


On windows environment, Nirva lets you write services and procedures in .Net language.
For the user interface Nirva delivers XML output to the browser but this XML output can be transformed to Html by using a Nirva component named "Renderer", before beeing sent to the browser. Currently Nirva embeds an XSLT renderer to produce Html output for browser but you can write your own renderers. A renderer is a special Nirva service written in C++, .Net ou Java that receives Nirva output XML in an input stream and delivers browser data (typically Html) into an output stream.
See the Nirva documentation (Renderer chapter) for further information.
I attached a very basic .Net renderer service to this post.

For now, Nirva doesn't provide any ASPX renderer but just the technology to embed it. For building that, you need to create a .net renderer and implements the necessary technology to use ASPX pages. I'm not a dotnet specialist but on the internet you can find some information on how to embed ASPX into your own server (have a look on the HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest method and SimpleWorkerRequest class). (31.7 KB)
