4.8.000 Updates


  • The date/time format for the http file cache were not set correctly. This could make some web files not accessible in servers with a local not in english.
  • The output buffer was truncated if its content is longer than 256 byte in java procedures.
  • The unicode option of the comand line was not working (-u option).
  • The machine and local user name were not encoded correctly. This was producing a bad password error if the machine name was not ascii.
  • The encoding of line feeds was not made between client and server for the session_open and session_close parameters. This could break the procedure parameters if there were some.
  • There was an error in xslt transform for input xml message when the body was greater than the limit (parameter) for memory messages (1024Kb by default).
  • The state of the web services operation was not kept after updating (re-install).
  • The service renderer content type was not working.
  • The application containers were not cleared after a failed application start.
  • Renderer compilation was not working on linux.
  • Log for web services was not working (nothing logged).
  • The success procedure for scheduled tasks were not correctly implemented (procedure not running).
  • The file origin was not transmitted from client to server in the OBJECT:SEND command.
  • The double spaces in the MISC:EXEC command were replaced by a single space.
  • The MAIL:SEND command was not throwing any error in case of error.


  • Some exceptions of the perl interface were reported in logs as level 2 instead of level 1.
  • Web files log now also logs errors when accessing files (instead of only successful accesses).
  • Application init: If the init procedure fails there was standard message. Now the original error is also displayed in the info field.
  • Speed up variable recognition process (command parser).
  • Changing the way we write registry in order to avoid loosing information in case of crash (we use now file renaming).
  • The service executable path may now be relative.
  • The OBJECT:TABLE_SET_CELL_LINE allows directly adding a new line to the cell if the given line index is 0.
  • The server command line "-c" parameter doesn't need to be the first one any more.
  • Test sets: always reload the test table from file before displaying the list of test sets.

New features

  • Adding list of services required by an application (APPLICATION:INFO command) and list of running applications using required services (SERVICE:INFO command).
  • Adding a removefile action in the package description file. This action removes the specific file or files in the target directory. Can be used with wildchard.
  • Adding IPV6 protocol for TCP/IP. The server can be configured to listen on IPV4 only or both IPV4 and IPV6. Client can use IPV4 or IP6 address to connect to server.
  • Adding a new NV_HTTP_HOST variable that gives the host http header of the original command.
  • Adding a java interface log.
  • Application start: adding a reason telling why the starting failed in the error message.
  • Adding possibility to change the command variable identifier at application, service and command level (default is still # character).
  • Adding a stop on error and stop on success option for scheduled tasks with repeat mode enabled.
  • Adding the task name as parameter (NV_TASK_NAME) to task procedure (and task failed and success procedures).
  • Adding listener name to the listener main and failed procedures.
  • Adding an information telling when a task has been ran manually in the task list.
  • Adding socket error information in error info field in a request.
  • Security fix: Adding permission to display error info field to clients. Some information in the info field can reveal some server file paths so this feature corrects this situation.
  • Adding a flag at application level to disable the trigger if one has been defined in the dsc file.
  • Natural sort. The table sort can be done in a "natural" way. This is useful if items contains both letters and digits.
  • Adding a new command CONTAINER:MOVE that moves a container to another one.
  • Adding a new command COMMAND:GET_HTTP_HEADERS that retrieves the http headers of the original command.